Getting Started with After Effects:Before you try out tutorials in After Effects you should use Adobe's Get Started page and follow the tutorials provided. Once you have done these you will have a better understanding of the basics which will allow you to follow more advanced tutorials.
Click on the image to the right or the title of this section to get started. |
Adobe Tutorials Online:
Hands On (In App)These tutorials are available "in the application" If you select the tutorials from this category it will open a tutorial and file you can work with directly in the application.
To access these tutorials, open the After Effects App and click on the Home and hten Learn Links at the top left and right side of the user interface. |
Articles and VideosCheck out the After Effects Beginner Tutorials to get started. This program is quite complex and you will probably not be able to rely on your intuition to learn After Effects. These tutorials provide files for you to get started.
YouTube Tutorial Play lists:
Click on the Title or Images to View the Playlist.