Digital Story Telling (Independent Project/ 1 Person Production)
About this project:
Storytelling is one of the oldest human traditions of passing on information from one generation to the next. In the modern era storytelling has taken on the format of the digital media, moving image, and music to deliver a story. Digital story telling incorporates a story that is recorded digitally. The story then is illustrated with images, movies, sound effects, and music. The result is a digital story that is engaging for the viewer and can be passed on to others via social media outlets.
This is your opportunity to record your story and share it with the world, your family, friends, or just save it to watch yourself in thirty years.
Pre-Production: (To earn an A, you need to complete all steps listed in pre-production)
Review the Seven Elements of Digital Stories before you begin.
Before you write your story consider how you will incorporate the Seven Elements of a Digital Story (point of view, dramatic question, emotional content, your voice, sound track, economy, pacing).
Brainstorm your ideas on paper. Write a list of 20 different stories you would like to re-tell.
Develop your story with an outline, or diagram your story on a curve. Create bullet points for each part of your story.
Write your story. Learn to use Google Docs to create your story and learn how cloud computing works.
Your story should be 1-2 pages double spaced with 12 point font. (This will keep your story concise and your project interesting for the viewer).
Revise your story and practice reading it out loud to see how it sounds.
Storyboard: sketch storyboards to accompany your story. What images are appropriate to illustrate your story? Do you want to use video or still images?
Create a folder and title it "Digital Story" Save all portions of this project into this folder.
1. Use Garage Band to record your script. Make sure you keep your project within the time requirements. If your story is too long, write a shorter story....remember ECONOMY is critical here.
2. Export an .mp3 of your audio sound track and then create a Final Cut Pro project.
3. Gather your images and collect them into a folder. Search for copyright free images from the Creative Commons on Flickr or by using the Advanced Image Search in Google Images. You can also bring in images, items, objects, etc to scan into the computer. Also using your own images are highly encouraged.
You may want to edit images in photoshop before you place them into your FCP project.
-Images should be 720 x480 and in landscape format to fit your screen.
-You can crop, edit, and adjust your images using photoshop.
4. Import your images into your FCP project. Place the images into the time line at the appropriate places. Drag the clips longer or shorter to time with your narration. Later you can add animation movements to draw the viewers eye to a particular portion of your image.
After you have your images lined up you will want to export your video and audio tracks as an .mov file. You will import this into Garage Band to create your own music sound track. Add music and or sound effects to enhance your story. Adjust the audio levels so they do not overpower your voice. Export your sound track as an .mp3 and place it into your FCP project.Add titles and credits to your project.
Duration: At least one minute but less than 4 minutes.
-Create a digital story from your own point of view or life experiences-Record your audio for your story
-Utilize copyright free resources in your creation and credit your sources.-Use titles and credits at the beginning and end of your project.
-Follow all the steps outlined in pre-production before beginning on production.
.MOV file titled with your
Grading Rubric
A: You gave it your all and it shows! You have earned an A. You did all the requirements for the assignment.
B: Great, but...: You created a film but you skipped some steps of the pre-production process.
C: Average work: You created a film but you did very little in terms of preproduction.
D: Bare Minimum: You just barely completed this assignment. Very little effort displayed, spent time off task, or did not get organized enough to complete a film.
F: No attendance or no project submitted at the time of grading.
X: You need to submit or resubmit a project. If you do not understand why it needs to be resubmitted ask Mr. Hanson.
You can always resubmit an assignment to improve your grade. Before resubmitting an assignment make refinements to your previously submitted project. Contact the teacher to find out what should be improved. Every student has the ability and opportunity to earn an A.
B: Great, but...: You created a film but you skipped some steps of the pre-production process.
C: Average work: You created a film but you did very little in terms of preproduction.
D: Bare Minimum: You just barely completed this assignment. Very little effort displayed, spent time off task, or did not get organized enough to complete a film.
F: No attendance or no project submitted at the time of grading.
X: You need to submit or resubmit a project. If you do not understand why it needs to be resubmitted ask Mr. Hanson.
You can always resubmit an assignment to improve your grade. Before resubmitting an assignment make refinements to your previously submitted project. Contact the teacher to find out what should be improved. Every student has the ability and opportunity to earn an A.