Create a HDR Panoramic Photo
50 Points
Due Date: May 5th, 2014
For this project you can create a photo to go into the slide show banner of the GHS homepage. The slide show could benefit from some fresh images. You will create an image that is suitable for the GHS Web page. Think of what types of images that can be used to show some GHS pride on our website. What images could you use to show the different aspects that make Glacier a great school?
To create an image that is suitable for the Glacier High School home page. The image should display positive aspects of Glacier High School. Use your own photographs to capture your panoramic source photos.
After completing this project you will:
-Create THREE HDR Panoramic images using Photoshop with your own photos. (At least one should be suitable for the GHS website)
-Save a screen resolution (72dpi) .jpeg for the website -Submit a file titled Lastname.HDRPano.jpg on the server
-Export a web resolution .jpeg to upload to your weebly page,
-submit a file titled Lastname.panoHDR.psd on the server.
If you would like to print your photos you can arrange several of them onto a 12"x18" canvas. Remember these images should be 300ppi in resolution.
Due Date: May 5th, 2014
For this project you can create a photo to go into the slide show banner of the GHS homepage. The slide show could benefit from some fresh images. You will create an image that is suitable for the GHS Web page. Think of what types of images that can be used to show some GHS pride on our website. What images could you use to show the different aspects that make Glacier a great school?
To create an image that is suitable for the Glacier High School home page. The image should display positive aspects of Glacier High School. Use your own photographs to capture your panoramic source photos.
After completing this project you will:
- Learn to use the Automate: Photomerge function of Photoshop
- Learn how to create an HDR photo from your Panoramic photos.
-Create THREE HDR Panoramic images using Photoshop with your own photos. (At least one should be suitable for the GHS website)
-Save a screen resolution (72dpi) .jpeg for the website -Submit a file titled Lastname.HDRPano.jpg on the server
-Export a web resolution .jpeg to upload to your weebly page,
-submit a file titled Lastname.panoHDR.psd on the server.
If you would like to print your photos you can arrange several of them onto a 12"x18" canvas. Remember these images should be 300ppi in resolution.
What is HDR?
HDR or High Dynamic Range is a method of photography (or photoshopping) that uses a series of digital photos composited together so everything in the photo is in proper exposure. You can push the color levels, contrast, balance, curves and saturation on the different layers to get a hyper-realistic image. Use your adjustment panel to make these image adjustments to your different layers.
You will want to conduct some research before beginning on your project on how to create an HDR image and also look at some images of what you are trying to achieve.
Here are several links to learn more about HDR photography:
You can also search for HDR tutorials on the Web. If you find a good one share it with the class.
You will want to conduct some research before beginning on your project on how to create an HDR image and also look at some images of what you are trying to achieve.
Here are several links to learn more about HDR photography:
- Examples of HDR Images
- Info and how to make your own HDR
- HDR Photography with CS6
- HDR Layer Masking Tutorial
- Adobe TV: Merge to HDR Pro
- Get HDR Effects without multiple images.
You can also search for HDR tutorials on the Web. If you find a good one share it with the class.
Part 1: Make Panoramic Photos in Photoshop:
Creating panoramic photos in photoshop is really simple if you can learn to use the automation feature.
The first step is to collect a series of images that you want to stitch together. Take some photos from left to right of the scene you want to capture. If you have a way to set the exposure with your camera you will want to capture the same scene with a lower exposure setting and again with a higher exposure setting.
To automatically stitch a series of photos together in photoshop you will use the automation function.
Put the images you want to stitch together into a folder on your desktop.
Open Photoshop and choose: File->Automate->Photomerge
Select the images you want to merge together.
And click OK.
You might need to play around with different settings in Photomerge to see the different results.
Panoramic Photo Tutorials:
Photomerge on Photoshop Tutorials
Photomerge on Digital Photography School
Part 2: Make an HDR image effect from your panoramic
Grading Rubric
Grade- Description
A- You gave it your all and it shows! You have earned an A. You did all the requirements for the assignment. You put in a second, third, or fourth effort and it is your best work. Nothing needs to be changed. Clearly evident you took full advantage of all learning materials offered. Your project was initiated in your sketchbook and shows a series of drawings that develop your ideas.
B- Great, but...: You did the work and used instructions from lectures, websites and/or video tutorials. The project is not perfect yet but can be corrected. You are satisfied design flaws in your final project. You used your sketchbook for a few drawings.
C-Average work: You did the assignment but did not use instruction provided by the website or tutorials. No second effort, the first attempt is final product. You did not use your sketchbook prior to beginning this project.
D- Bare Minimum: You just barely completed this assignment. Very little effort displayed, spent time off task, did not follow directions or tutorials provided.
F- No attendance or no project submitted at the time of grading.
X- You need to submit or resubmit a project. If you do not understand why it needs to be resubmitted ask Mr. Hanson.
You can always resubmit an assignment to improve your grade. Before resubmitting an assignment make refinements to your previously submitted project. Contact the teacher to find out what should be improved. Every student has the ability and opportunity to earn an A.