Digital Design and Animation Student Choice Project
Due Date: May 31, 2013
(Seniors must complete this project by May 24th)
The last project for this class will be to create a project of your own. This is your opportunity to create a project that you would like to create allowing you to become the project director. Choose something that is interesting to you and also a project that you can complete within the time constraints of the semester and your budget. You will be responsible for creating a schedule for completing your project on time and ensure that it is completed by that date.
If you need some ideas for possible projects you can look at any of the projects on this website or the Internet for inspiration. The Glacier High Art website is full of projects that you can do if you cannot come up with your own project idea. You can also search the web for some ideas, tutorials, or develop your own ideas. The purpose of this project is to explore something new or create a project you have always wanted to do all semester.
Make sure you create a plan of action to complete this project on time. You may need to work outside of class time to complete your projects for the semester. Make plans to complete all of your projects.
Project Proposal Form
Fill out the form to the right after you have done some research on a variety of different things that interest you. Develop your idea(s) and then make a proposal to Mr. Hanson about what you would like to create.
View the complete form here or fill out the same form on the right.
View the complete form here or fill out the same form on the right.
Grading RubricThe criteria you submit for grading your project will come into consideration for this project.
A: You gave it your all and it shows! You have earned an A. You have successfully achieved everything you set out to accomplish for this project. B: Great, but...: You created a project but you skipped some steps prior to working on the project. C: Average work: You created a project but you did very little in terms of preproduction and planning. You just threw something together to get the project done. D: Bare Minimum: You just barely completed this assignment. Very little effort displayed, spent time off task, or did not get organized enough to complete a project. F: No attendance or no project submitted at the time of grading. X: You need to submit or resubmit a project. If you do not understand why it needs to be resubmitted ask Mr. Hanson. LATE WORK: Projects that are submitted after the due date will be reduced by one letter grade. You can always resubmit an assignment to improve your grade. Before resubmitting an assignment make refinements to your previously submitted project. Contact the teacher to find out what should be improved. If you skip the preproduction process before filming you may not do these things in post production to earn an A. An A film will follow all of the film requirements. Every student has the ability and opportunity to earn an A. The choice is yours. |
Film/Animation Project Requirements: