Themes in Art
Themes can help you narrow your choices down and provide a focus or direction for your project ideas. Select a theme and visit several of the links to familiarize yourself with the topic. This can lead to your own ideas and provide you a place to get started.
What is Perspective? (4:28) Perspective Overview and Examples Linear Perspective One Point Perspective Drawing Alley | Time Lapse (3:37) Understanding 1, 2 & 3 Point Perspective (1:15) Mural Joe: Buildings and Structures (5:24) How to Draw Letter in One Point Perspective (11:31) Atmospheric/Aerial Perspective Painting with Paper: Barbara Zimmerman (3:29) Mural Joe: Landscape Perspective, Halves and Doubles (5:51) Zaria Forman: Pastel Ice and Oceans (2:13) Landscape Examples - Pinterest Anamorphic (Including Forced and Localized) Perspective Amazing Anamorphic Illusions (1:54) How to Draw a 3-D Ladder (2:10) Drawing a Levitating Ball (2:26) Hand Art 3-D: Hole and Scale (1:32) Assumptions: Forced Perspective (0:43) Making the Invisible Visible (1:22) Space Shamekh Bluwi (1:00) Shamekh Bluwi (1:02) Site Specific Street Art |